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Experimental and Clinical Imaging Technologies

Augmented Reality


EXCITE Zurich, ScopeM, MicroscopeIT and Cat-​astrophe Games developed an open-​source augmented-​reality application for the visualization of your 3D biomedical image data for HoloLens 1 and 2. Visit our project website

Download the HoloLens application from github to visualize your data.  

HoloLens 2 application for biomedical imaging

HoloLens 2 application for biomedical imaging

The advancements in biomedical imaging have led to increasing data sizes and dimensions. While planar images have been the standard in the past, three and higher-​dimensional datasets have become increasingly available and require sophisticated approaches of visualization and interrogation. With a view of teaching organ anatomy and function to students, the data quality and richness of data available from imaging tools, now allow for new approaches of visualization and communication in the classroom setting. Moreover, the Augmented Reality technology may become a helpful tool in clinical medicine, biological and biomedical imaging research in the near feature. To this end, EXCITE Zurich is committed to developing and exploring novel ways of image data visualization and analysis.